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Abstract Submission

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 American Ecological Engineering Society Annual Conference! This conference offers a great opportunity for all attendees to network, share research and experience with colleagues, and advance their careers. The conference also provides a venue for professionals and students within the field to share their ideas in the spirit of academic and professional development. One of the main goals of the conference is to showcase the extent to which Ecological Engineering principles are being applied in diverse and innovative ways to solve pressing environmental challenges. We encourage all attendees to take advantage of this opportunity to present on their work, meet likeminded professionals, and learn from each other.


Abstract submissions have closed.


Conference registration and sponsporship opportunities are still open.

Presentation Information

Poster Presentation

Poster Format 

The maximum display area of the poster board is 4 ft high x 6 ft wide. It is suggested that each poster does not exceed 42 inches high by 66 inches wide (3.5 ft high by 5.5 ft wide). A numbered panel will be allocated for each poster and listed in the Technical Program. The poster session will take place on Wednesday, June 22nd from 10:15-11:30 am. Please ensure that you stand by your poster during this session for discussion and questions. It is suggested that you bring your poster with you on the morning of Tuesday, June 21st, and hang it in your designated poster slot on the 3rd floor of the Columbus Center for the entirety of the conference.


Poster Guidelines and Tips

A poster should be self-contained and self-explanatory, allowing different viewers to proceed on their own while the author is free to supplement or discuss particular points raised in the inquiry. Posters should be kept simple and clear, with a mixture of text and graphics. Arrange materials in two to three columns rather than rows. An introduction should be placed at the upper left and a conclusion at the lower right. The abstract does not need to be presented, as that will be available online. Illustrations and figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear, visible graphics and large type. Each figure or table should have a heading of one to two lines. Additional essential information can be provided below in a legend. Photographs/figures should have good contrast, sharp focus, and, if appropriate, an indication of scale. Minimize text narrative. Use large type in short, separated paragraphs. Numbered or bulleted lists are effective ways to convey a series of points. Headings should be a minimum of 45-point size, with a 25-point size suggested for text. Using this large lettering means that a number of people can read the poster from a distance without overcrowding. Do not set entire paragraphs in uppercase or boldface type. Titles and Fonts Titles and captions should be short and easy to read, with a sans serif font preferred. Remember to caption your poster with the title, authors’ names, and affiliations.


Student Poster Competition

Student poster presenters are automatically entered in the Student Poster Competition. Judges will be from academia, industry, etc. Posters and presentations will be judged using this rubric. Prizes will be awarded at the AEES Lunch Business Meeting on Thursday and will be $250 for First Place, $150 for Second Place, and $100 for Third Place. We will also have a People's Choice Award that will be determined by popular vote. Please note that judges will score engagement and answering of questions, so be sure to be at your poster during the Poster Session so judges can engage with you. 



Oral Presentation


Oral presentations are 12 minutes long verbal presentations (with 3 additional minutes for questions). Due to the structure of the conference, this timeframe is strict to allow all presenters the allotted time. 



Oral Presentation Topics

  • Applied Ecological Engineering Projects

  • Agricultural Solutions using Ecological Principles

  • Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Contaminants in the Environment

  • Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Resiliency, and Ecological Engineering

  • Ecological Engineering Career Development, Extension, and Education

  • Economics and/or Human Dimensions of Ecological Engineering

  • Environmental Justice and/or Ecology-based Urban Revitalization

  • Food, Energy, Water (FEW) Nexus

  • Green Infrastructure and Best Management Practices (BMPs)

  • Nutrients and Nutrient Management

  • Reducing TMDLs/Eutrophication in the Chesapeake Bay or Other Watersheds

  • Resource Recovery/Reuse

  • River, Stream, and Wetland Restoration/Creation

  • Stormwater Management

  • Watershed Modeling

Abstract Review

Abstracts are reviewed by a committee of professionals for selections. Authors were notified by March 15th, 2022 about acceptance. 


For general questions about the abstract submission, contact Theresa Simmons at For technical questions or issues with the online abstract submission site, contact Katherine Close at

Student Travel Grants

Student travel grants will be awarded to help offset conference expenses for students. Students may apply for travel grants when they complete the registration form, which is linked below.


Student conference grant applications will be accepted from March 15th to April 1st.  More information will be emailed directly to students with accepted abstracts. Awardees will be notified by April 15, 2022 of the award level. Grant payments will be issued as a reimbursement following the conference; additional instructions for requesting travel grant payments will be provided with the award notification email. Students awarded a travel grant are required to stay at the conference hotel, and priority will be given to those students presenting at the conference.

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