Certified Ecological Designer
The mission of the American Ecological Engineering Society is to “promote the development of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment to the benefit of both.” To further that mission, AEES is proud to sponsor a Certified Ecological Designer Program to foster high-quality ecosystem design and function through the application of multidisciplinary science.
Though sponsored by AEES, the Certified Ecological Designer program is not intended exclusively for engineers; rather the program promotes an integrated practice and is open to all interested practitioners from ecology, engineering, landscape architecture, architecture, planning, or related disciplines.
Two certifications are offered:​​​
Certified Ecological Designer (CED)
The Certified Ecological Designer certification is designed for applicants who demonstrate expertise in the integration of the science of ecology and the practice of design. Certification is based upon a combination of:
Academic credentials,
Active participation in an AEES-sponsored Certified Ecological Designer workshop & charrette,
Experience as demonstrated in a portfolio of completed work.
Associate Ecological Designer (AED)
The Associate Ecological Designer certification is designed for applicants who do not fulfill the project portfolio requirements of the CED. The AED certification is intended for recent graduates and other professionals who may not yet have three designed and built projects but who otherwise satisfy all academic and workshop requirements. Moving from AED to CED is streamlined; an AED whose certification is current may apply for CED certification at any time by submitting a design portfolio.
Application Criteria
Individuals certified by AEES as Ecological Designers must have demonstrated expertise in the integration of the science of ecology and practice of design. Certification is based upon a combination of:
academic credentials (all applicants),
active participation in an AEES-sponsored Certified Ecological Designer workshop & charrette (all applicants), and
experience as demonstrated in a portfolio of completed work (CED applicants only).
Successful applicants may represent themselves as Certified Ecological Designers (CEDs) or Associate Ecological Designers (AED).
Application Period
Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Candidates who have met all certification criteria will be recognized each year at the AEES annual meeting.
Requirements for Certification
To be certified, applicants must meet the following criteria:
I. Education (All Applicants):
A bachelor's degree or higher in ecology, landscape architecture, engineering, or a related field is required. Candidates with extensive work experience may petition the committee to accept that in lieu of a degree in one of these fields.
Required coursework:
Ecological Science: 3 semesters or 135 contact hours. Certification as an Ecologist by the Ecological Society of America, or equivalent knowledge demonstrated through work experience.
Basic Design Principles: 1 semester or 45 contact hours of coursework in basic design principles (i.e., landscape architecture, architecture, product design, engineering). Workshops or demonstrated work experience may also be used to satisfy this requirement.
Ecological Design: 2 semesters or 90 contact hours in ecological design topics or applications of ecological design. Coursework may include a related discipline that addresses an ecological forcing function, such as fluvial geomorphology, if the applicant can provide evidence of an ecological emphasis related to design.​ Workshops or demonstrated work experience may also be used to satisfy this requirement.
II. AEES Certified Ecological Designer Workshop (All Applicants):
All candidates for certification are required to successfully complete the AEES-sponsored workshop and charrette. This workshop is exclusively presented by AEES and represents unique, focused content intended to further the development of collaborative, multidisciplinary ecological design. The workshop includes a design charrette that all candidates participate in along with members of the local community.
III. Ecological Design Project Experience (CED Applicants Only):
Candidates must have demonstrated ecological design experience. Completed projects* must have utilized ecological principles and/or natural ecosystems as a model in design. Documentation of three projects is required, with verification of the applicant’s substantial role. Project role may be substantiated through letters of reference from the project manager, publications, stamped plans, or other similar documentation.​
*At the discretion of the Ecological Designer Certification Committee, project that have been constructed may be considered and may be awarded partial credit toward the required projects.​
Certification Renewal
Renewal requires 45 contact hours of continuing education, distributed over at least two of the preceding four years, and an updated curriculum vitae, noting work performed during the certification period.
Certification Term and Cost
Certification is good for a term of four (4) years, with the option for renewal at the end of that period. The certification fee must accompany the certification application.
CED Certification Fees:
$150 for AEES members
$250 for non-members.
The non-member rate includes a one-year membership in AEES (current value = $140)
Certification Fees for current AEDs applying for CED status:
$75 for AEES Members
$175 for non-members if their AED certification has not expired
AED Application Fees:
$50 for AEES members
$75 for non-AEES members
Renewal Fee:
CED = $100
AED = $50