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2024-2025 Officer Nominations

Nominations to serve AEES as an officer are now open for submission. You may nominate yourself or fellow members. Please send nominations to Natasha Bell, Current Secretary, at, no later than Friday, April 19th, 2024 to be included for consideration.


This year, the following positions will become open:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (1-year term; followed by 1-year as President and 1-year as Past President)

  • Treasurer (2-year term)

  • Student Representative (1-year term)


President: Is the professional representative of AEES and Society business. Leads the Executive Committee, and provides direction for the Society’s goals while in office. Reports annually at business meetings. Term is one year as President, to success following as Past President.


Vice-President (President-elect): Serves one year as Vice-President and is a member of the Executive Committee. In the following year, serves as President for a one-year term. In the third year, serves as Past President. 3-year total commitment. Duties as assigned. Fills in if the President is unavailable.


Treasurer: Shall serve on the Executive Committee for a term of 2 years as the legal custodian of all funds of the Society. The Treasurer makes the investment of all funds, tracks the monetary business of the Society, and maintains membership rolls through the recording of payments of annual dues.


Student Representative: Serves as student representative on Executive Committee. Provides input on student activities and represents student interests in Society business and activities. Duties as assigned. Term is one year.


Past-President: After serving one-year term as President, serves an additional one-year term to provide guidance to incoming Executive Committee. Duties as assigned.



What happens after the nomination period?

After the nomination period closes, nominations will be put on a ballot to be voted upon by AEES members. The new officers will be announced during the business meeting at the 2024 Annual Meeting.

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