American Ecological Engineering Society
Ecological engineering, defined as the design of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both, has developed over the last 30 years, and rapidly over the last 10 years. Its goals include the restoration of ecosystems that have been substantially disturbed by human activities and the development of new sustainable ecosystems that have both human and ecological values. (Mitsch, 2012)

"Ecological Engineering" was introducted by H.T. Odum in the 1960s, however, the field has developed significantly since then. A new society called the "American Ecological Engineering Society" (AEES) was first discussed at a workshop on ecological engineering in Columbus, Ohio in May 1999. Fifteen US universities were represented at that meeting. It was agreed at the workshop that ecological engineers throughout North America should pursue the idea of a U.S. society, particularly to begin the process of organizing academic programs and ultimately certification for this new field in North America.

Mission and Vision
The mission of the American Ecological Engineering Society (AEES) is to promote ecological design for the common benefit of society and nature.
The vision of the Society is that AEES is the lead organization integrating ecological design principles in engineering education and practice.

Core Values
The core values of the Society are as follows:
Integration of ecological principles into engineering practice for the mutual benefit of all people and the environment;
Professional development through inclusive approaches to lifelong learning, career mentoring, and certification;
Advancement of our understanding of ecological engineering through research and practice for environmentally just outcomes; and,
Education of a diverse workforce and outreach with the public and decision-makers for the betterment of all communities.
Year Established
Annual Meetings Completed
Previous Presidents
For inquiries, questions, or recommendations, please call or e-mail the current president listed on the Officers' page. For questions or assistance regarding memberships, please contact the current treasurer listed on the Officers' page.
The societal listserv is an opportunity for active member to post questions, discussion topics, and other ecological engineering information to be disseminated among other members. All members are automatically added to the listserv. For any questions or to change the email address associated with your membership, contact the AEES Secretary.
To POST to the Listserv: Address messages to AEES-L@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU