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President - Stephanie Lansing, University of Maryland
Vice President - David Blersch, Auburn University
Secretary - 
Treasurer - 
Graduate Student Representative - 
Past-President -
Michael Burchell, North Carolina State University

President - Michael Burchell, North Carolina State University
Vice President - Stephanie Lansing
, University of Maryland
Secretary - Tiffany Messer

Treasurer - Eban Bean, University of Florida

Graduate Student Representative - Samantha Francis

Past-President - Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee

Body of Knowledge/Accreditation Committee Chair - Trisha Moore

Conference Planning Committee Chair - Stephanie Lansing, University of Maryland

Certified Ecological Designer Committee Chair - David Blersch, Auburn University

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee Chair - Ani J.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Design Committee Chair - Eric Roy

Membership and Recruitment Committee Chair - Michael Burchell, NC State University

President - Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee

Vice President - Michael Burchell, North Carolina State University

Secretary - David Blersch, Auburn University

Treasurer - Eban Bean, University of Florida

Graduate Student Representative - Samantha Francis

Past-President - Anand (Ani) Jayakaran, Washington State University

Body of Knowledge/Accreditation Committee Chair - Trisha Moore

Conference Planning Committee Chair - Stephanie Lansing, University of Maryland

Certified Ecological Designer Committee Chair - David Blersch, Auburn University

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee Chair - Anand (Ani) Jayakaran, Washington State University

Journal of Ecological Engineering Design Committee Chair - Eric Roy

Membership and Recruitment Committee Chair - Michael Burchell, NC State University

President - Anand (Ani) Jayakaran, Washington State University
Vice President - 
Andrea Ludwig
, University of Tennessee

Treasurer - 
Past President - Trisha Moore
, Kansas State University  

President - Trisha Moore, Kansas State University
Vice President - Anand (Ani) Jayakaran
, Washington State University

Treasurer - 

Past President - Brian Bledsoe, University of Georgia

President - Brian Bledsoe, University of Georgia
Vice President - Trisha Moore, Kansas State University


Treasurer - 

Past President -


President - David Tilley, University of Maryland
Vice President - Brian Bledsoe, University of Georgia


Treasurer - 

Past President - Dave Austin, CH2MHill


President - Dave Austin, CH2MHill
Vice President - David Tilley, University of Maryland
Secretary - Trisha Moore
, Kansas State University

Treasurer - Anand (Ani) Jayakaran, Washington State University

Graduate Student Representative - Andrea Yarberry, University of Maryland
Identity Committee Chairs -  Dan Storm, Oklahoma State University and Dave Austin
, CH2MHill 
Membership Committee Chairs - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources and Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee
Education Committee Chairs - Luis Rodriguez, University of Illinois
 and David Blersch, Auburn University

Certified Ecological Designer Committee Chairs - Maia Singer (Committee Chair) and Steve Paterson, Bio x Design (Workshops)

President - Tess Wynn Thompson, Virginia Tech
Vice President - Dave Austin, CH2MHill
Secretary - Tom Franti, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Treasurer - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources

Graduate Student Representative - Stephanie Houston, Virginia Tech
Identity Committee Chairs (Website, Journal) - Dan Storm, Oklahoma State University
 and Dave Austin, CH2MHill 

Membership Committee Chairs (Meetings, Recruitment) - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources and Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee

Education Committee Chairs (Curricula, Body of Knowledge) - Luis Rodriguez, University of Illinois and David Blersch, Auburn University

Certified Ecological Designer Committee Chairs - Maia Singer (Committee Chair) and Steve Paterson, Bio x Design (Workshops)

President - Dan Hitchcock, Clemson University
Vice President - Tess Wynn Thompson
, Virginia Tech

Secretary - Tom Franti, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Treasurer - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources

Graduate Student Representative - Jay Bevington, University of Georgia

Identity Committee Chairs (Website, Journal) -  
Membership Committee Chairs (Meetings, Recruitment) - 
Education Committee Chairs (Curricula, Body of Knowledge) - 
Certification Committee Chairs - 

President - Stewart Diemont, SUNY College of Environ. Science and Forestry
Vice President - 
Secretary -

Treasurer - 

Graduate Student Representative - 
Identity Committee Chairs (Website, Journal) -  
Membership Committee Chairs (Meetings, Recruitment) - 
Education Committee Chairs (Curricula, Body of Knowledge) - 
Certification Committee Chairs - 

President - Greg Jennings, North Carolina State University
Vice President - Stewart Diemont , SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Secretary - Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee

Treasurer - Tess Wynn Thompson, Virginia Tech

Graduate Student Representative - Tyler Kreider, Virginia Tech
Identity Committee Chairs (Website, Journal) -
Dan Storm, Oklahoma State University and Dave Austin, CH2MHill 

Membership Committee Chairs (Meetings, Recruitment) - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources and Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee

Education Committee Chairs (Curricula, Body of Knowledge) - Luis Rodriguez, University of Illinois and David Blersch, Auburn University

Certification Committee Chairs - Steve Paterson, Bio by Design and Paul Frank

President - Jay Martin, Ohio State University
Vice President - 
Secretary/Treasurer - 
Identity Committee Chairs (Website, Journal) -
Dan Storm, Oklahoma State University and Dave Austin, CH2MHill 

Membership Committee Chairs (Meetings, Recruitment) - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources and Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee

Education Committee Chairs (Curricula, Body of Knowledge) - Luis Rodriguez, University of Illinois and David Blersch, Auburn University

Certification Committee Chairs - Steve Paterson, Bio by Design and Paul Frank

President - W. Cully Hession, Virginia Tech
Vice President - Jay Martin, The Ohio State University
Secretary/Treasurer - Stewart Diemont, State University of New York
Identity Committee Chairs (Website, Journal) - Dan Storm, Oklahoma State University and Dave Austin, CH2MHill 
Membership Committee Chairs (Meetings, Recruitment) - Christina Toms, Wetlands & Water Resources and Andrea Ludwig, University of Tennessee
Education Committee Chairs (Curricula, Body of Knowledge) - Luis Rodriguez, University of Illinois and David Blersch, Auburn University
Certification Committee Chairs - Steve Paterson, Bio by Design and Paul Frank

President - Stacy Hutchinson, Kansas State University
Vice President - W. Cully Hession, Virginia Tech
Secretary/Treasurer - Marc Beutel, Washinton State University

President - Marty Matlock, University of Arkansas
Vice President - Stacy Hutchinson, Kansas State University 
Secretary/Treasurer - Marc Beutel, Washington State University

President - Pat Kangas, University of Maryland
Vice President - Marty Matlock, University of Arkansas
Secretary/Treasurer - Jay Martin, The Ohio State University

President - Steve McCutcheon, PE, US-EPA
Vice President - Pat Kangas, University of Maryland
Secretary/Treasurer - Jay Martin, The Ohio State University

President - Alex Horne, University of California, Berkeley
Vice President - Steve McCutcheon, PE
Secretary/Treasurer - David K. Gattie, University of Georgia

President - Mark T. Brown, University of Florida
Vice President - Alex Horne, University of California, Berkeley
Secretary/Treasurer - David K. Gattie, University of Georgia

President - William J. Mitsch, The Ohio State University 
Vice President - Mark T. Brown, University of Florida
Secretary/Treasurer - David K. Gattie, University of Georgia

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